やんちゃクラブリスナーAdvent Calendar Day4のスクリプト



'Mornin, sylph01(zero-one) here*1*2. It's the morning of 2021, December 4th. Timer on.

...well actually, I'm not using a timer today.

This video is an entry for day 4 of "yancya-club listener advent calendar".

So, the bar has been raised very high by previous entries of this advent calendar, so I'm going to try to take "an English version of yancya-club". Like, how do you write anything after kakutani-san's awesome entry about the "rules of yancya-club", and I've never tried Ham Radio, and I've never even vlogged, up till today. Please don't expect perfect English in this video; my English speaking is very, very rusty. Also, I'm going to attempt it "gamer-word free" (like f**k and s**t). I occasionally ramble on in English but not in a video-friendly way, so yes, that's another challenge*3. By the way, I do have a script. I'm not talking on the fly, and I will upload the script as a separate entry later on.

As a yancya-club watcher

I've been watching yancya-club from like ... the third or fourth video? I can say that I'm a long-time yancya-club member, but it's only some months old, you can still catch up to every single episode easily. I watch, or listen to, yancya-club during lunch, or sometimes while I'm coding at work. I often listen to YouTube content and podcasts while working, and yancya-club is ideal for a background video because there isn't much else going on other than the talking. Or as the young kids say... チルい?

yancya-club is MINASWAN

  • so there is a term in the Ruby community called MINASWAN, Matz is Nice And So We Are Nice
  • yancya-club is drama-free
    • "drama" in japanese is almost equivalent to 炎上
  • yancya-san avoids any topic that might lead to controversy
    • for example I can talk about our local Onsen-Musume, but that's kinda "sensitive" right now
      • about local stuff I'll be talking it in 地方在住Advent Calendar so that's for another time
    • yancya-san explicitly avoided talking about current affairs in Taiwan and Hong Kong in one video (don't remember which one)
  • it has the vibes of early days of the internet where it wasn't swamped by "politics" and such
  • in「ハロウィンについて話すことが無かった」(2021/10/31) yancya-san does talk about politics
    • 「政治家になろう」 or "let's become a politician"
    • yancya-san doesn't assume "evil" in the motivation of becoming a politician, such as personal greed or the benefit of a certain group
    • 「自動でいい感じになってほしい」 is actually a thing

segway into being a 管理組合の役員 (condo association board)

  • at this point I've been an officer of the Internet Society Japan Chapter for 2 years, and even here, there aren't many people who want to become one. This is especially because ISOC-JP is a voluntary organization, as compared to some chapters where the officers are elected as a full-time working staff.
  • (I'm going to butcher this pronunciation) In Jean-Jacques Rousseau's "The Social Contract" (社会契約論) he argues that (note that it's not a direct quote) in a true democracy, being selected as a representative is purely just a liability (代表として選出されることは単に責任だけ伴う面倒ごとである), and ideally selecting a representative could be done by pure lottery (理想的には単なるくじ引きで決めてもよい)
    • This statement was totally against my intuition and I remember it very sharply
    • It's true, because in a true democracy, being a representative should not come with any privilege (代表になることによって特権がついてくるべきではない)
    • and I feel this is very true about organizations like an association board of a condo or a PTA. there isn't any privilege to being a board member, but only liability come with these positions. It's not like being a board member of a company, where becoming one gives you actual privileges.
  • I like it that yancya-san is very positive about doing his part in the board even though it is pure liability and is trying to leave something positive to their community
    • I hope many people listening to yancya-club would follow yancya-san's path

(note that yancya-san does not explicitly state his preference of pronouns; I am referring to them by their name as much as possible)

(訳注: 責任の語として一般的に使われるresponsibilityではなくliabilityを当てたのはresponsibilityのニュアンスがどちらかというと行動に対応する責任なのに対してliabilityは重荷としての責任みたいなニュアンスを伴うため)

Cubing / Certification

  • I mentioned that I don't do Ham Radio
  • also I don't cube
  • so you can say I'm not a very "loyal" listener of yancya-club lol
  • Anything that's close to おしゃべりキューブバトル that I can do is ... pick a lock?
  • Yes, they pick locks (padlocks and such) like doing Rubik's Cube in the west!
  • but I'm not going to do this on video because of laws and regulations
  • I have a certification of 2nd-class locksmith (2級鍵師)and I do have a blog entry on learning about locks and physical security "legally" under Japanese law. Links in the description below
  • It doesn't mean your home door lock is screwed and there is no security. Japan's locks are very hard to break
    • The locks I can open are like the cheap ones sold in hardware stores / home centers. Door locks are very tough
  • I can talk about this for a long time but this is for another entry. I can't just ramble on randomly because this topic needs some "legal review"

That's it for today. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to the channel, and also please leave a comment in the comment section below, about your favorite episode of yancya-club, or anything!

... or just do forget. I like that every YouTuber says something close to this, and I wanted to say this when I had a chance to. There are only footages of trains and scenery from trains on my channel, so if you like Japanese railways then it might be worth it to subscribe?

Anyways... This was sylph01(zero-one), signing out. バイバイ!

(try to say バイバイ in Japanese)

(wait some seconds before turning camera off)

*1:「おはようございます、やんちゃです」の訳として「'Mornin, yancya-here」をだいたい11月くらいから想定していた

